The Q4/15 web-poll tried to catch a glimpse about the concurrence between - corporate analytics strategy the - implementation of…
Book Review – Data Science at the Command Line
Veröffentlichung in: ''IT-Governance" Heft 22
Results Poll 09/2015 – Data Driven Decisions and Unstructured Data
Analytics is on top of the list of many CxOs and was or is subject to various “data driven” initiatives.…
Financial Month End and Data – conclusions of 06/15 – 07/15 web-poll
Tanks again to everyone attended the survey. Please find the summary below. As a result of the 05/15 poll this…
Digital Leadership für Führungskräfte von morgen – Buchtipp
Digital Leadership für Führungskräfte von morgen Autor: Sanjay Sauldie Wenn Sie bisher nicht von Digitalisierung überzeugt gewesen sein sollten, dann…