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Digital Leadership für Führungskräfte von morgen – Buchtipp

Digital Leadership für Führungskräfte von morgen

Autor: Sanjay Sauldie

Wenn Sie bisher nicht von Digitalisierung überzeugt gewesen sein sollten, dann lesen Sie bitte unbedingt dieses Buch – sonst natürlich auch.
Es bildet einen Orientierungspunkt und ist allemal eine kurzweilige Lektüre, um Führungskräfte wach zu rütteln.
Das Buch veranschaulicht m. E. den Weg des digitalen Wandels sehr griffig. Dabei bedient sich der Autor einer lebhaften Sprache. Punktuell verwendet der Verfasser deutliche Formulierungen und schärft somit den Blick für digitales Veränderungspotential über verschiedene Unternehmensebenen hinweg.

Hoch dürfte das Herz insbesondere für Anhänger wissenschaftlich eher unorthodoxer Publikationen schlagen. Einzig die praktische Umsetzung der iROI Methode im Vergleich zu anderen Methoden kommt ggf. etwas zu kurz und sollte weiter erörtert werden.
Im Kern muss sich aber jedes Unternehmen über die erforderlichen „digitalen“ Änderungsmechanismen klar sein und diese konsequent umsetzen.

Trotz der einen oder anderen Frage innerhalb der Aussagen – Stichwort wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen –  hat mich das Buch begeistert. Ich habe es in einem Stück und ohne Pause durchgelesen.

Hadoop – Use Case vs Business Value

Gartner recently published a study about challenges with Hadoop (pls. see link below).
Hadoop is a ecosystem allowing scalable (real-time) data retrieving beyond structured data sets.
Often it is named in conjunction with the keyword big data, analytics and digitalization. As big data and analytics are on top of many CEOs list, a significantly high adoption is assumed.
According to the study the “break through” is not seen in the moment. But it’s expected within the next 2 -3 years because of
– understanding the business value, the
– product handling and
– skill gaps.

It’s might be worth full to take a minute and think about it. At the end of the day Hadoop is just a tool designed to solve a specific problem. As the business value isn’t seen so far it raises questions concerning the understanding of
– the problem as well as
– the tool.
The interesting thing with the “problem” is if there is really a one or is it just still “hidden” and most of the people don’t see it? Or the other way around is Hadoop seen as a complementary tool – to solve the already recognized “problems”?

Digitalization matters – conclusions of 05/15 web-poll

First of all – a big „Thank you!“ to all attendees of the survey. It’s very interesting to see the results of the web-questionnaire. Please find the summary below, would be great to get some feedback on the results.

Digitalization matters – conclusions of 05/15 web-poll

1.    The majority of participants pointing out a missing digital strategy. On the other hand it seems a small portion have done their home works.
2.    Digitalization is in the early stages concerning poll results. The poll shows efficiency as an essentially practiced element. On the other end it provides headroom to move to digital business models.
3.    Finance is “digitally double-sandwiched” between timelines, multiple data sources and complex price tables.

Herzlich Willkommen! / A warm welcome!

Dear visitor, a very warm welcome to you and many thanks for clicking my website.

My very first blog is dedicated to questions concerning digitalization and its impact on accounting, finance and business models.

As German is my first language there will be a mixture of German and English posts in the future. Hopefully this approach will work well for you and also provide plenty of interesting follow-up.

And finally for now, I would just like to welcome you here once again and quickly mention that comments and contributions to the blog are both encouraged and greatly appreciated.

